When your past disappears in an instant, hunting it can be the hardest thing you've ever done. This is my journey from which no past can be reclaimed, only examined. This is my tale of dealing with a spouse's sex addiction. It's such a damning addiction that not only is he humiliated and ashamed, so am I. And in one fell swoop, all I knew of the last 20 years shattered and disappeared...
14 September 2013
Oh What the Hell...
Oh what the hell. Years go by and some days seem great and others not. Months go by and life is good. A day comes and life sucks. So I guess after all these years this is all I've learned. Life changed. I survived. I never got back what I thought I had, likely because I never had it. I'll be fine I just won't ever have what I thought I needed. Not ever.